
Wix & Shopify

  • Perfect for small business ecommerce
  • Easy to use & edit your own website
  • 10 products added
  • 5 key words researched
  • Contact & opt-in forms to capture customers
  • On page SEO
  • Unlimited revisions
Simple Professional
Prices start from

  • 1-7 page Wordpress website
  • Option for Woocommerce integration, 10 products added
  • Ideal for showcasing services & information
  • 1 year of free hosting
  • Fast, secure & mobile responsive
  • Contact & opt-in forms to capture customers
  • On page SEO
  • 10 key words researched
  • Unlimited revisions
Webdev & Maintanance

  • Competitive rate
  • Edits & changes on existing websites
  • Teaching how to use your website
  • Ideal for custom projects
  • Maintain and update your website


If your business needs a static website to showcase your prices, services and general information I recommend going for the Simple Professional package. It will be the cheapest option for you as there will have no monthly or yearly costs for the platform itself. You will only be paying $130/year for hosting after the first year.
You can also turn your Simple Professional website into an online shop that is easy to manage through a powerful Woocommerce plugin. Again the only yearly cost will be $130 for hosting.

If your business needs an online shop you can choose to have a Wix or a Shopify website. Because you are paying for their platforms there is a yearly cost of $350-$500AUD. However you do get value for money as the platforms are easy to use and for you to be in full control of your website at all times.

All websites on the internet are hosted by a server which must be paid for yearly. I include a free year of hosting in the package price. After the first year hosting will cost you $130.

With Wix & Shopify there is no hosting cost, just their own monthly subscription.

Regardless if it’s a website makeover or a brand new website you’re after we’ll have a chat to discuss what your business needs. After our meeting I will send over a template to fill out which will help me create your website.
After a week or two the first draft of the website will be finished. You will be able to give me feedback on things you'd like changed and make comments for the next edition. We'll go back and forth until the website is exactly how you want it. Once the website is finished and payment has been processed we can make the website go live! You will now have full control and ownership of your website. If you want changes made after your website is finished I will be able to give you a quote.

The revisions refer to the design iterations. Whenever I’ve finished a version of the website you will get a chance to voice your opinion and request changes and alterations.

Search Engine Optimisation is a type of online marketing. Done right and it will increase your business revenue by making your website appear higher in Google searches. This is important because people rarely go beyond the first search page. All my websites will have the barebones of on-site SEO including:
● Title Optimization
● H1, H2, H3 Tags
● Meta Description
● Image Alt Tags
There is a lot more that needs and should be done for SEO purposes. Let me know you are interested in taking this further and to outcompete your competitors.

Google puts websites that are up-to-date and secure at the top of searches so your website will need consistent maintenance. You might also want some design changes, or updating of the website itself in which case it’s good to know who to turn to for an affordable hourly rate.

You’ll be able to voice your concerns during the entire time we work together and we can call it quits at any point in which case you don’t have to pay. Once you pay you’ll get ownership of your new website but I do not provide refunds once it is handed over.